CBA supports Black Lives Matter

AboutInclusion and DiversityCBA supports Black Lives Matter

CBA supports Black Lives Matter and takes
action to broaden the plant science community

CBA/ABC reaffirms its commitment to foster a culture of inclusivity, equity, and justice in all of its activities. To this end, we must speak out and take action against recent and ongoing anti-Black racism and violence in the United States, which also exists here in Canada and around the world.

We recognize our responsibility to support our Black students, coworkers, and colleagues, and to actively work to eliminate barriers to participation in our society and the wider scientific community.

We as the CBA first commit to updating our code of conduct to include explicit expectations regarding community safety, and secondly commit to establishing a working group that will be mandated to determine concrete actions to support recruitment and mentoring for the enhancement of equity, diversity, and inclusion of all underrepresented groups in our society.

December 2020 Update: We have formed an EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) committee made up now of nine people. We have met three times and we have established our objectives and are working on the plan for achieving them. We will send you the full text in 2021. If you are interested in joining us, you are more than welcome, simply send an email to Nicole Fenton at!