The award is intended to recognize plant biologists (CBA/ABC members or not), in their mid or late career, who have demonstrated a consistently high level of teaching excellence and teaching-related activities over at least 10 years as a faculty member at a Canadian post-secondary institution, including colleges and institutes. Full-time, part-time and sessional faculty members are eligible to receive this excellence award. An awardee of the Magister Award will not be eligible for this award again.
Conditions of Award
Normally, one call for nominees will be made each year.
Procedures and Criteria for Nomination
This award is considered as a distinction award of the Association, and therefore be adjudicated by the Awards Committee in accordance to the Manual of Procedures. Nominations shall be made jointly by the nominator with the Chair/Head of the nominee’s department. The nominator can be a recent graduate, an undergraduate student, graduate student, or a faculty member.
This award recognizes excellence in teaching botany over more than 10 years, primarily at the undergraduate level. An individual nominated for this award will be characterized by:
- a proven commitment to, and effectiveness in, enhanced student engagement and learning about botany,
- a reflective and intentional approach to teaching practices, and
- dedication to teaching improvement.
Examples of qualities sought in the nominee:
- demonstrates knowledge of the teaching and learning process
- provides enriched-educational experience to students
- demonstrates the capacity to arouse learner interest in botany
- prepares and organizes thoroughly for classes, labs, or tutorials
- clearly develops and communicates student learning outcomes, course requirements and pathways to success
- challenges students to achieve learning outcomes and to develop critical thinking and problem solving abilities
- develops rapport with learners
- uses approaches to teaching and evaluation of learning that respect diverse student learning needs
- uses assessment methods that are aligned with learning outcomes and instructional approaches
- encourages student participation in the learning process, and
- demonstrates reflection in and on teaching, for example by adding to the scholarship of teaching and learning through contributions such as course development or workshops, presentations, or publications on teaching and learning, or participating in professional development activities to enhance teaching practice
Nominations should be sent electronically to the current President of the Canadian Botanical Association before the end of January of the year in which the Award is to be presented. The nomination package, submitted as a pdf file and organized by the nominator (with the nominee’s permission) should not exceed 20 pages and be presented in 12-point font with standard one-inch margins. It should include:
Required information
Summary of the nominee’s teaching accomplishments to date,:
- An introduction letter from the Chair/Head with a description of the nature of the nominee’s dynamism in teaching and engaging students
- Nominee’s teaching dossier including teaching philosophy (maximum of 4 pages)
- A brief curriculum vitae of the nominee (maximum of 3 pages)
Evidence for the significance of their impact on botany, and the wider community,
- A summary of student ratings of instruction from the past 5 years
- Confidential letters from students (max. of 2) and colleagues (max. of 2)
- Copies of publications related to teaching
- A sample of teaching material that illustrates an approach or innovation
- Any other additional materials to support the application
- Citations for previous teaching awards
Award winners will receive a framed certificate from the Association and will be invited to give a presentation at the Teaching session of the next scheduled CBA Annual Conference. The awardee will be encouraged to actively participate in the work of promoting botanical education in Canada, and may be called upon for advice and counsel. Once an awardee is identified, a one-page citation is used for public relations purposes describing the nominee’s contributions to teaching will be required from the nominator.
Re-nominations of previously unsuccessful nominees are welcomed and encouraged. However, the nominators are reminded that the award criteria may change from year-to-year and they should ensure that re-nominations conform to the current guidelines.