Past winners of Taylor A. Steeves Award

SectionsPlant Development Section Molecules, Cells, and SystemsPast winners of Taylor A. Steeves Award


Liyong Zhang, University of Saskatchewan

Zhang L, Ambrose C. 2022. CLASP balances two competing cell division plane cues during leaf development. Nature Plants 8, 682– 693.


Samuel Livingston, University of British Columbia

Livingston SJ, Bae EJ, Unda F, Hahn MG, Mansfield SD, Page JE, Samuels AL. 2021. Cannabis glandular trichome cell walls undergo remodeling to store specialized metabolites. Plant & Cell Physiology 62, 1944-1962.


Nathan Rowarth, Dalhousie University

Rowarth NM, Dauphinee AN, Denbigh GL, Gunawardena AH. 2020. Hsp70 plays a role in programmed cell death during the remodelling of leaves of the lace plant (Aponogeton madagascariensis). Journal of Experimental Botany 71, 907-918.


Adrian Dauphinee, Dalhousie University

Dauphinee AN, Fletcher JI, Denbigh GL, Lacroix CR, Gunawardena AHLAN. 2017. Remodelling of lace plant leaves: Antioxidants and ROS are key regulators of programmed cell death. Planta 246, 133-147.


Teagen Quilichini, University of British Columbia

Quilichini TD, Douglas CJ, Samuels AL. 2014. New views of tapetum ultrastructure and pollen exine development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Annals of Botany 114, 1189­1201.


Erin Zimmerman, Université de Montréal

Zimmerman E, Prenner G, Bruneau A. 2013. Floral ontogeny in Dialiinae (Caesalpinioideae: Cassieae), a study in organ loss and instability. South African Journal of Botany 89, 188-209.


Erin Zimmerman, Université de Montréal

Zimmerman E, Prenner G, Bruneau A. 2013. Floral morphology of Apuleia leiocarpa (Dialiinae: Leguminosae), an unusual andromonoecious legume. International Journal of Plant Sciences 174, 154–160.


Lauren C. Schewe, University of Saskatchewan

Schewe LC, Sawhney VK, Davis AR. 2011. Ontogeny of floral organs in flax (Linum usitatissimum; Linaceae). American Journal of Botany. 98,1077-85.


Christina Lord, Dalhousie University

Lord CE, Gunawardena AN. 2010. Isolation of leaf protoplasts from the submerged aquatic monocot Aponogeton madagascariensis. The Americas Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 4 (Special issue 2), 6-11.


Julia Nowak, University of Guelph

Nowak J, Nowak A, Posluszny U. 2009. Developmental comparison of leaf shape variation in three Chamaedorea species. Botany 87, 210-221.


Chris Meyer, University of Waterloo

Meyer CJ, Seago JL Jr, Peterson CA. 2009. Environmental effects on the maturation of the endodermis and multiseriate exodermis of Iris germanica roots. Annals of Botany 103, 687-702.


Julia Nowak, University of Guelph

Nowak J, Dengler N, Posluszny U. 2007. The role of abscission during leaflet separation in Chamaedorea elegans (Arecaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 168, 533-545.


Donna Lindsay, University of Saskatchewan

Lindsay DL, Sawhney VK, Bonham-Smith P. 2006. Cytokinin-induced changes in CLAVATA1 and WUSCHEL expression temporally coincide with altered floral development in Arabidopsis. Plant Science. 170. 1111-1117.


Mark Belmont, University of Manitoba

Belmonte MF, Donald G, Reid DM, Yeung EC, Stasolla C. 2005. Alterations of the glutathione redox state improve apical meristem structure and somatic embryo quality in white spruce (Picea glauca). Journal of Experimental Botany 56, 2355-64.


Gillian L. Murza, University of Saskatchewan

Murza GL, Davis AR. 2003. Comparative flower structure of three species of sundew (Drosera anglica, Drosera linearis, and Drosera rotundifolia) in relation to breeding system. Canadian Journal of Botany. 81,1129-1142.


Gordon Lemon, University of Guelph

Lemon GD, Posluszny U. 2000. Shoot development and evolution in Pistia stratiotes (Araceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 161, 721–732.


Rodger C. Evans, University of Toronto

Evans RC, Dickinson TA. 1999. Floral ontogeny and morphology in subfamily Spiraeoideae Endl. (Rosaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences. 160, 981-1012.


Connie L. Soros, University of Toronto

Soros CL, Dengler NG. 1998. Quantitative leaf anatomy of C3 and C4 Cyperaceae and comparisons with the Poaceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences 159, 480–491.


Gordon Lemon, University of Guelph

Lemon GD, Posluszny U. 1997. Shoot morphology and organogenesis in the aquatic floating fern Sylvania molesta D.S. Mitchell, examined with the aid of the laser scanning confocal microscopy. International Journal of Plant Sciences 158, 693-703.


Judith MacIntyre, University of Prince Edward Island

Judith P. Maclntyre JP, Lacroix CR. 1996. Comparative development of perianth and androecial primordia of the single flower and the homeotic double-flowered mutant in Hibiscus rosasinensis (Malvaceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 74, 1871-1882.


Mark D. Wilkinson, University of British Columbia

Wilkinson MD, Haughn GW. 1995. UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS controls meristem identity and organ primordia fate in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 7, 1485-1499.